Improving Performance Through Training

In a global environment that is becoming increasingly competitive, the importance and value of training cannot be overstated. While it may not be the only solution, the experts all agree that training is absolutely essential if companies are to improve efficiency and remain competitive, empower staff to adapt to the demands of the changing global landscape and maintain high levels of productivity.

According to Melvah Blake, head of the Institute for Workforce Education and Development (IWED), a Manpower & Maintenance Limited Company, the benefits of training to the organization “go beyond the bottom line to improve the status, confidence and interactive skills of employees, provide motivation and add overall skill value to the workplace.” Those who receive training will also find that there is the added benefit of career enhancement.

Ms Blake explains that wherever there is a lack of motivation, there is often under performance. “Sometimes during a training session one can actually see the light of understanding go off in the eyes of many of those who are being trained. This comes from the recognition that there is much to learn and learning improves the capacity to function efficiently. It is exciting to see de-motivated people in a training session become excited and motivated to do a good job as they finally begin to understand their roles in the organization.”

Ms Blake further explains that a trained employee invariably becomes a more confident worker. This confidence comes from “a greater sense of empowerment as the trained employee will be more equipped to execute his or her duties.” Increased confidence in this instance can positively affect the bottom-line.

Training is also important as it can help to expand the vision of both the employee and the organization. When staff are exposed to new ways of doing things or helped to apply different methods of analysis to problem solving, this can embolden them to think more creatively and less conventionally, according to Blake. “An employee who is given the tools and encouraged to think and take an interest in the organization can be of immense value to that organization”, she adds.

At the same time, Ms Blake is aware that many organizations fail to train because they are wary of employees leaving. “That is a risk one takes when one trains but one always has to look at the broader picture. A more competent and capable staff is not only one that has all the necessary degrees and certificates. It is the employee who understands the organization and its culture, has a handle on what is happening in the marketplace, and appreciates how he or she fits into the plans and strategies to move the company forward, who will be of greatest value to the company.”

At Clarionttech, we are convinced that it is training that will bridge the knowledge gap and best equip employees to function at maximum efficiency thus ultimately giving the company the competitive edge.

27th September 2023
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