How to Become a Better HR Professional and Climb the HR Career Ladder

How to Become a Better HR Professional and Climb the HR Career Ladder

The global market size for global human resource management was a massive $16.01 billion in 2019. That size is expected to increase at an impressive CAGR of 11.7 percent from 2020 to 2027.

For those interested in a career in human resources, there are plenty of opportunities in the industry. The ability to work well with people can play a big role in helping you climb the HR career ladder. However, it takes much more than good people skills to become a brilliant HR manager.

The role of an HR professional today has more responsibilities and demands more focus on strategic outcomes. There are stricter rules across the board, and you need to step up to thrive in the field.

In this comprehensive guide, we give you some of the essential skills, habits, and qualities that all careers in HR, including customer relationship management, require.

Read on to learn more.

Seven Essential Qualities You Need to Climb the HR Career Ladder

Like all professions, success in human resources operations requires a certain set of habits. Here are seven of them:

1. Measure Every Action Against Business Objectives

Many new HR beginners think that HR is simply a set of standardized procedures and processes that works for everyone and in all situations. Nothing can be further from the truth. No career exists in a vacuum.

Given that people are an organization’s most valuable asset, HR managers must focus on the acquisition, development, and retention of employees. However, it’s essential that everything is aligned to your organization’s unique goals.

Constantly check in with the leadership to ensure that all strategies are aligned with your company’s objectives. Make sure that you’re hiring the ideal candidates and creating the right business culture.

2. Lead by Example

Sadly, most HR managers are scared of leading the charge. Many simply do what the upper management tells them to so as to guarantee their job security. Instead of offering their point of view on sensitive matters such as recruiting, layoffs, engagement, and culture, many HR pros wait for direction and toe the line.

This approach, unfortunately, takes away your professional HR perspective, which is the greatest asset you can have. Remember, you’re the expert when it comes to personnel issues. It’s your responsibility to provide strategic counsel to the leadership, not the other way round.

3. Balance Discretion and Transparency

As an HR professional, you’ll be handling a lot of sensitive information, so you need to practice discretion at all times. However, that shouldn’t make you fearful of open and sincere communication. The HR department should never be a black hole of information.

HR departments have no choice but to embrace transparency. In today’s networked age, where millennials make up the largest percentage of the population, companies are expected to be open and forthright. A disconnect between what the HR department communicates or doesn’t can prove disastrous.

The authenticity of your company’s internal culture depends on open communication. Likewise, no HR department should withhold information from potential candidates. It’s best to err on the side of transparency than secrecy.

4. Consider Employees an Asset, Not a Resource

You’ve probably used the terms “human resources” and “human capital” interchangeably. The fact of the matter, however, is that these terms denote different ideas.

“Human resources” looks at talent as a fixed commodity that’s exhaustible. It implies that people can be allocated, just like other resources in the business.

“Human capital” views talent as something you can invest in and grow. HR departments under this model lay greater emphasis on training and developing individual contributors. Throughout history, it’s companies that focus on growing and developing their employees that reach the top and stay there.

5. Focus on Healthy Culture and Engagement

A company’s internal culture has a massive impact on every activity that goes on in the business. The internal behaviors, habits, mindsets, and problem-solving methods have a profound impact on your overall brand, customer service, and product.

As an HR professional, you should continually be working hard to deploy the right culture for your business. No culture happens by accident. It takes proper strategy and execution.

The best HR professionals lead the charge when it comes to creating a fun and engaging internal culture. If your company has no tangible culture or the wrong culture, you need to examine your company’s value closely. Create clearly articulated values to help your business to succeed.

6. Keep Learning

Successful HR managers are leaders, and every leader seeks opportunities to grow their skills and add their experience. The quickest way to advance your HR career is to acquire new skills and add to your experience.

Don’t be overly concerned with failure. Look at every failure as an opportunity for growth, and continuously crave challenges. In the current rapidly changing economic landscape, such a mindset is essential.

It is not enough that you are a people expert. Today’s business landscape demands much more than that. Besides the specific human resource qualifications you have, you need greater business knowledge.

7. Maintain the Passion

As an HR manager, you represent the needs and rules of the company. It’s the reason many HR pros appear cold, dry, and distant.

By rediscovering your passion for working with people, you can overcome that flow. A big part of your role is to inspire the new talent you are seeking to recruit while keeping your current employees motivated. Maintaining your drive at all times can help you achieve just that.

Advancing In Your HR Career Is Possible

Becoming an exceptional HR manager isn’t easy, but it’s possible. By remaining knowledgeable, strategic, and growth-minded, you can start to climb up the HR career ladder in no time.

Would you like more assistance in kickstarting your HR career? Please contact us today.

10th October 2023
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