5 Proven Benefits of Professional Certification
Have you ever thought about spending time earning a professional certification?
If this is something that has crossed your mind, good! You’re on the right track. You can opt to take a course in your chosen field, or expand your horizons and take a course in a new skill.
Getting a new certification or qualified skill has many pros to it, and almost no cons or drawbacks.
Investing your time, money, effort, and energy in earning professional certifications can only help you. It will never hurt you or your prospects.
There are countless benefits of certifications, and we give you our top five below.
1. Learn New Skills
This is one of the most obvious benefits of certifications.
Learning new skills is an essential part of human life, and it means you are always increasing your knowledge.
Learning new skills and earning qualifications in those skills can really boost your self-esteem. This is an addition to the value you receive from the skills themselves.
It is important to be certified because of the emphasis on lifelong learning it suggests.
Learning new skills mean you can expand your job abilities and responsibilities. You will be equipped and prepared to handle aspects of your business besides whatever you are used to doing.
For example, the benefits of corporate training are seemingly endless. They can include improved skills in sales, management, finance, human resources, and many other important business techniques.
Whatever new skills you choose to learn, make sure you enroll in a certification course so that you can prove you have valuable knowledge of that subject matter.
2. Improve Your Resume
It’s difficult to explain just how good a new certification can look on your resume.
In fact, earning enough new certifications can change the entire look and layout of your resume completely. It will allow you to add a special section to your resume, just for listing out all the certifications and qualified skills you have.
Having a piece of paper to prove that you know the ins and outs of a certain skill is invaluable in the workplace.
Having the chance to improve your resume in such a big way is just another one of the many benefits of certifications.
Adding a professional certification to your resume in addition to whatever education or experience you already have will make you look very well rounded and capable as an employee.
Companies are quick to hire a person who shows that they are qualified. But they are even quicker to hire someone who shows not only that they are qualified, but that they are committed to always improving their skills and learning more.
Taking professional certification courses of your own free will is evidence that you are dedicated to lifelong improvement. Your resume will never stay stagnant or stale. You will always be on the lookout for opportunities to further your knowledge and skill set.
3. Command Authority
Increasing your status by increasing your knowledge is one of the best ways to climb the ladder.
One of the biggest benefits of certifications you will experience is the increased status level as a result of having more courses under your built.
Being able to add a certification to your name or resume commands authority and shows potential clients that you are credible. Building that sense of trust with people means they will respect you and trust you to get the job done.
This is one of the side benefits of certifications. Though you wouldn’t necessarily commit to earning a professional certification just for this reason, it is certainly a nice fringe benefit.
The authority you command when you show that you have certifications to back up your skills show that you are a force to be reckoned with.
4. Boost Productivity
It’s simple. If you know what you’re doing, you’ll be better at doing it.
When you have proper training in something, you will be able to do the job much more quickly and efficiently. Increased productivity is just another one of the many benefits of certifications.
You may not choose to enroll in a certification course for this particular benefit, but it is one you will surely receive in addition to the feeling of accomplishment.
Being able to work more productively and efficiently will improve your life and work overall.
For example, if an employee is certified in a certain software or program, they will not only be able to do the simple everyday tasks more quickly. They will also be able to take advantage of the more advanced features of the program.
Being able to use programs to their full capacity means better work done in a shorter amount of time. And that’s something every business and successful company should want to do!
5. An Edge Over the Competition
Another one of the huge benefits of certifications is the edge it gives you over your competition.
At the end of the day, who do employers want to hire? And what businesses do customers want to buy from?
Everyone wants to do business with the most qualified and trustworthy option available. When you have professional certifications to back up your knowledge, you are already miles ahead of people who do not have the same qualifications.
Plus, doing so early on can give you a head start over your peers. High schoolers are now beginning to earn certifications so that when they graduate, they already have certain qualities to their name that their peers do not.
Have More Benefits of Certifications to Share?
Have you experienced other benefits of certifications that are not included on this list?
Since the possible positive outcomes from receiving a certification seem to be endless, we’re sure you have something to add!
We want to hear about your experience, so tell us in the comments below!
And of course, if you want to know more about SAP training or other programs, feel free to browse around our website. Don’t wait–get certified and start living your best life today.