Quality Assurance Quality Control QA/QC Training




Quality Assurance Quality Control QA/QC Training

Quality of goods and services is a relative subject that is determined by the customer. This subject of quality can be difficult to achieve as customer needs and expectation continue to change over time. However As a minimum for every business, it is required that all processes involved in the provision of deliverables and the final goods or services meet expectation of stakeholders.

Clarionttech’s quality assurance, quality Control training courses can help teach you how to avoid problems when delivering solutions or services to customers. Course is designed for all industries; Construction, Oil and Gas, Mining, Logistics and Transport, Education, Aviation, Telecommunication and even the public sector.

Participants will be exposed to Contemporary quality assurance end control Standards, tools and Procedures to adhere to specifications and quality requirements, Quality control tools, Processes and range of automated and manual checks necessary to meet quality requirements of a project.

This skills are required for the day to day running of every successful Organization

Upon Course completion, Certificates will be issued with the logo of Our Accredited Partners.


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