Performance Management Course




PERFORMANCE management is one of the cornerstone of Human Resources Practice in organizations. Wherever you work, how big or small your organization or how simple or complex the business model, effective performance management is a key requirement if you have any number of employees. It all begins with performance, specifically what are the jobs we need our employees to do, how do we measure their performance in these, and how do we design and implement system to reinforce performance standards that have been set?

So, before an organization can even begin to think about the more lofty practice areas like individual assessment, talent management, or succession planing it must be able to nail the basics or measuring day  to day performance. Organizations who set their sights on hiring the best and the brightest and building a diverse work force must first have crystal clear understanding of what they are hiring people to do and how they will be deemed successful or not.

Companies desiring to offer the very best training and development or organization development programs must first be able to asses the requirement of the jobs for which they are training and developing their leaders and managers.

That is why this Training is essential to every Human Resource Manager and organization. We want to help you take this professional practice on performance appraisal to the next level whether is a current issue facing your organization, we want to help you walk though in that process. Clarionttech have approached this knowledge area in HR with a very balanced scientific-practitioner perspective, so not only do the training cover the objectives, but also insight for practical implementation and where basic inputs might be beneficially directed. As group of consultant we have identified a gap in this knowledge area having evolved from performance appraisal to performance management. This area displays the very latest thinking from an organizational psychology perspective regarding how you quantify, measure and track performance in organizations.


  • Training Aligned with the Human Resource Body of Knowledge
  • Internship and Employment Support
  • Certificate of Completion




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