Women in Leadership
Often, people who have never had a leadership role will stand up and take the lead when a situation they care about requires it. Upon Completion, participants will be able to recognize these events and grab the reins with more confidence. This training touches on understanding the leadership gap, vital leadership traits, and how to overcome various barriers.
With our Women in Leadership training you will learn how women are changing the workforce and gain a new perspective on the workforce, and what benefits can come from hiring and promoting women to higher positions.
Who should attend?
This course is for women
- 50% of the Population
- 60% of College Degrees
- 47% of the US Workforce
- 52% of Professional-level Jobs
- Case Study
Underrepresented in Leadership
Executive Positions
Finance, Health Care, and Law
Historical Trends
Case Study
Gender Differences are Overemphasized
Gender Differences are Undervalued
Women Lack Professional Networks
Work and Family Conflict
Case Study
Lead by Uniting Diverse Groups
Value Work-life Balance
Value Interpersonal Relationships
Value Accountability
Case Study
Greater Collaboration
Culture of Work-life Balance
Culture of Accountability
Assists in Recruiting Millennials
Case Study
Actively Recruit Women
Create/Encourage Networking Opportunities
Pair Women with Mentors in Leadership
Create/Encourage Training Opportunities
Case Study
Discover your Barriers to Hiring
Discover your Barriers to Retention
Recruit via women’s Organizations
Women-friendly Culture
Case Study
Create a women’s Networking Group
Encourage Joining Organizations
Networking Builds Confidence
Networking and Recruiting
 Case Study
Benefits of Mentoring
Think Creatively
Incorporate at Every Stage
Encourage Women to Mentor
Case Study
Encourage Learning of Leadership Skills
Internal Programs and Trainings
Outside Programs and Trainings
Encourage Training at Every Career Stage
Case Study
Lessons Learned
Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations