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Over the years, Clarionttech Services has consolidated its relationships with numerous key clients by assisting them in delivering in-house and tailor-made training courses. Such customised training solutions not only give a cost benefit to the respective client, but also provide the added advantage of adapting the course to address their specific requirements.

The vast amount of expertise possessed by Clarionttech training consultants puts us in an ideal position to develop almost any course in the fields of business and management. In order to ensure that the client derives maximum benefit from such training, our experts work closely with the organisation to design a comprehensive package. Such packages include pre- and post-assessment of the capabilities, and more importantly the skills gaps of the attendees, to guarantee the appropriate training solutions are devised. We can adjust to your needs to hold training at your preferred locations and can be delivered  in Lagos, Abuja and Portharcourt.

Listed below are some examples of in-house and tailor-made training courses that have been delivered by Clarionttech Services limited for its clients over the world:

  • Africa Distribution Company (Sales training)
  • Vodacom Nigeria ( Health, Safety and Environment) HSE
  • Tiger Shipping ( Health Safety and environment)
  • Niger State Project management Office ( Project Management Professional training) PMP
  • Julius Berger (SAP)
  • ECOWAS Commission (SAP) Disaster Waste Recovery (HSE)



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