Corporate Subject Area: Advanced Strategic Human Resources Management
- Senior Directors and Senior Managers who have responsibility for Human Resource (HR) strategy incorporating Organisational Development (OD) and Learning, Training and Development (LTD) and the implementation of these policies and procedures in line with business objectives
- Senior Directors and Senior Managers who wish to refresh or develop their skills further
- Operational managers who wish to gain a greater understanding of the strategic HR, OD and people management and development issues
- Senior Managers who would like a refresher and to develop their confidence, assertiveness and influencing skills
- Departmental Directors and Departmental Managers who would like practical and relevant techniques
- To develop and lead effective HR and Organisational Development strategies and create a Learning, Training and Development (LTD) culture
- To explore a range of HR specialisms including development, performance management and effective recruitment strategy
- To plan and manage an LTD needs analysis
- To identify and manage talent and support employees plan their careers
- To increase the impact of verbal communication in multiple and complex situations
- To increase confidence, assertiveness skills and the ability to influence people positively
- To apply NLP and Emotional Intelligence to self-development
- To maximise the Return on Investment (ROI)
- The business and HR strategies
- The key roles and specialisms in the HR function
- Drivers for strategic change and how to manage this process
- Influencing skills in HR management
- Analysing your HR strategy using models such as SWOT and PESTLE
- Business, HR, OD and LTD strategies including succession planning
- The changing role of the trainer in an LTD environment
- Identifying the range of LTD interventions
- Measuring the return on investment (ROI)
- Using HR, OD and LTD to manage business risks, create a competitive advantage and be seen as an employer of choice
- Defining performance management
- HR processes which facilitate performance management
- Organisational, team and individual objectives, performance and continuous development
- The benefits of developing an LTD organisation
- Defining an effective performance appraisal
- Making a strategic and an operational recruitment business case
- Recruiting from within your organisation
- The recruitment model (recruitment, interview, assessment and selection)
- A recruitment plan to attract the best candidates
- Measuring the return on investment (ROI)
- Employment law
- Developing and implementing HR policies and procedures
- Employee engagement and communication
- Rewards and benefits
- Diversity and inclusion
- Defining an LTD analysis
- Carrying out a skills gap analysis and looking at the different ways you can gather useful information
- Training and when it may be, and may not be, the most appropriate response
- Assessing the range of LTD interventions in light of the LTD needs analysis
- Defining talent, talent management, potential, performance and skills
- The business case for, and impact of, a talent management programme
- The talent management cycle and process
- The Approaches to Development model
- Leadership skills and talent management
- Effective development and career planning
- Identifying career limiting behaviours and how to minimise these
- Capturing knowledge management
- Implementing succession planning
- Considering work life balance issues
- Examining your career path using models such as SWOT and PESTLE
- Creating a personal development plan
- Continuous professional development (CPD)
- PDP and CPD
- Pre-negotiation preparation on all aspects of the negotiation
- Styles, techniques and skills of a good negotiator
- Tricks people may play on you
- Close with a win-win result for all
- Analysis of factors which influence people
- How to influence people without power and authority over them
- Chairing and participating in meetings which produce results
- Finding common ground and reaching agreement
- Characteristics and skills of assertiveness
- Handling difficult people with confidence
- Giving feedback and receiving criticism constructively
- Responding appropriately to aggressive, assertive and passive people
- What is Neuro-Linguistic Programmingâ„¢ (NLPâ„¢)?
- How does NLPâ„¢ work?
- NLPâ„¢ for self-management and self-development
- Application of NLPâ„¢ to enhance performance of organisation, teams and individuals
- Key principles, qualities and skills of Emotional Intelligence
- Application of EI to develop self, teams, individuals and respond to situations
- Sending the right messages through your non-verbal communication
- Interpreting the signals and gestures of body language of others