Sales And Marketing Professional

As users become more resistant to patronage, Leading marketers and sales persons are in the business of identifying real needs and persuading potential customers to respond favorably to ideas that will result in mutual satisfaction for both them and the buyer.

This course is designed to help you achieve result and real growth in your sales figures. You will learn;

  • How to help your customer get what they want
  • Need to Understand your product options better for effective negotiation.
  • How to Carry out a feasibility study
  • How to Conduct a market and competitor analysis
  • Understand the four Marketing Mix
  • Develop a positioning strategy, pricing strategy, distribution channel, promotion and advertising strategy
  • Market Target and Target market
  • How to Interpret prospect needs by conducting a needs analysis
  • Master active listening techniques to better connect with & understand Negate competitor quotes, while remaining professional
  • Deliver presentations that trigger purchase
  • Master highly effective closing techniques
  • Build your business credibility and professionally reduce objections to sale
  • Manage your sales database effectively




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