ISO 14001 EMS Lead Auditor

Understand the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 so you can conduct a successful audit. Clarionttech provides hands-on learning experience to prepare you for real-life auditing situations. You’ll learn to manage the audit process and complete reporting.
Lecture time is held to a minimum, which provides time for you to learn and then practice your newly acquired skills in real-life audit situations. This ensures that you’re prepared to conduct effective audits. The learning environment makes extensive use of student activities and case studies to help you fully understand the requirements of auditing to the ISO 14000 standard.

This course meets the training requirements for individual auditor certification.


  • Understand and successfully interpret the ISO 14001 requirements.
  • Audit to the ISO 14001 Standard.
  • Plan, manage, and schedule an audit program.
  • Tailor an audit interview based on the requirements of the standard and obtain audit evidence from this interview.
  • Know how to manage the audit process, including opening meetings, auditing, closing meetings, and reporting.


All individuals who want to become Exemplar Global-certified auditors and those assisting their organizations toward ISO 14000 registration, particularly in manufacturing and service organizations. This course will benefit quality directors, managers, engineers, auditors, ISO coordinators, directors of international ventures, laboratory quality professionals and anyone responsible for leading an audit.


  • Fully understand the requirements of ISO 14001.
  • Understand and be able to apply the proper interpretation of the standard in actual audit situations.
  • Know how to tailor an audit interview based on the requirements of the standard and obtain audit evidence from this interview.
  • Have the ability to plan and conduct effective audits.
  • Know how to manage the audit process, including opening meetings, auditing, closing meetings, and reporting.




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